PURE (creation 2017)

Title : PURE
Choreography : EVA KLILMACKOVA
Dance : Eva Klimackova, Leandro Villavicencio, Nicola Vacca
Music : Escargot vide, Jonathan Lefèvre-Reich
Light : Yann Le Bras
Duration : 50 min

Production : Cie E7KA   Co-production :  CCN d’Orléans dans le cadre de « l’accueil studio 2017 » Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, CCN de Tours dans le cadre de « l’accueil studio 2017 », Drac Centre Val de Loire (Aide au projet 2017), Région Centre (Aide à la création 2017), Institut Français – Coopération internationale Région Centre With the support of :  La Briqueterie – CDC Val de Marne, Thépatre 29 Pardubice, Alliance Française Pardubice (Rèpublique tchèque), Ménagerie de verre dans le cadre de StudioLAB Paris, Micadanses Paris, Cnd Pantin. The teaser was realised with a financial support of Adamiwww.adami.fr.


« PURE » explores the plasticity of human body through the composition of two duets. These bodies are reflecting in their gestures and movements the singularity of their own culture – or multiples cultures – inventing spaces to create organic and fluide relations between these bodies, their structures and tissus.

Compressing, holding, meeting, touching, crossing, falling, pushing and pulling, getting close or creating spaces through the curves is a vocabulary explored in this creation, looking for a fluid and organic dialogue without hierarchies.

« PURE » deploys the time in a sensorial and tactile research letting appear the plasticity of bodies, fluid forms and lines, curves, folds and textures.

« PURE » is charged by the memories and traces of our pasts.
