OUVRIR LE TEMPS (creation 2016)


Choreography : EVA  KLIMACKOVA in collaboration with Laurent Goldring

Dance : Eva Klimackova

Sound : poetry of Ghérasim Luca 

Duration : 40 min

Production : cie E7KA

Coproduction : Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans dans le cadre de «l’accueil studio 2015» Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, DRAC Centre-Val de Loire « Aide au projet 2016 », International Visegrad Fund

With the support of : La Briqueterie – CDC du Val de Marne, Ménagerie de verre / StudioLAB, SE.S.TA Prague


« Ouvrir le temps (Times to be opened) » is a subtle conversation between the dance of Eva Klimackova, the regard of the visual artist Laurent Goldring and the poetry of Ghérasim Luca. An enigmatic liaison is created between gestures and words: serious and absurd, between appearance, disappearance and disfigurations. To feel, to move, to perceive, to say becomes suddenly the operations to discover the infinite strangeness of human being. The deformed and strange beauty of the movement is perfectly resonant with the way that Luca sculpts and cut the language. Eva Klimackova and Laurent Goldring share the same need for quality, in the movement as much as in the image. It is on this basis they created “Times to be opened”, continuing the researches of Eva Klimackova for a totally personal vocabulary of movements, and those of Laurent Goldring on other possible visions of the body. “Times to be opened” is this specific time needed to dig deeper into movement and vision and it is this time that is proposed to the spectator.
